⚡ What In The Heck Is Psychology-Driven Content?

+ Secret Hack: How Hollywood Agents Access Any Brand For FREE (+ You Can Too!)

Hey Creator Tribe!

This Week’s Highlights Include:

🌱 Strategy to Scale > 7 Ways You’re Leaving Thousands of Dollars on the Table (+ How To Fix It)

🚀 Brand Boost > What In The Heck Is Psychology-Driven Content?

🎨 Creator’s Vault > Secret Hack: How Hollywood Agents Access Any Brand For FREE (+ You Can Too!)

✨ CEO Mindset > Silencing Your Inner Critic

Read time: 5 minutes

🌱 Strategy to Scale > 7 Ways Content Creators Are Leaving Thousands of Dollars on the Table (+ How To Fix It)

In the ever-evolving world of content creation, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of producing engaging articles, blog posts, and videos.

However, so many of you are unknowingly leaving money on the table by not optimizing your strategies fully.

In this article, we'll explore 7 common mistakes costing you thousands of dollars in potential revenue and actionable solutions to fix them.

1) Failing to Analyze and Adapt

Content creators often miss opportunities to optimize their strategies by neglecting data analysis. Regularly reviewing website analytics, audience demographics, and content performance metrics can provide valuable insights.

The Fix: Add Google Analytics to your website. Deep dive into all of your content analytics and look for patterns. Refresh and repeat what worked best. Conduct A/B testing with your hooks and CTAs. Embrace tools like BuzzSumo and SEMrush to monitor how your content performs compared to competitors and industry leaders

Armed with this information, you can make data-driven decisions, refine your approach, and seize opportunities to boost revenue

2) Not Building an Actual Business

Creating captivating content is merely the beginning; building an actual business is the key to unlocking our true potential.

The Fix: Establish a solid business foundation by defining your brand DNA, creating proper workflows, creating a personal brand strategy, implementing best practices, and building scalable business operations.

A thriving business opens up countless opportunities, from brand partnerships to sponsored collaborations and product launches.

3) Ignoring Audience Insights

Knowing and understanding your target audience is paramount for creators seeking to monetize their work.

Neglecting audience insights can lead to content that misses the mark, resulting in low engagement and lost revenue opportunities.

The Fix: To address this, you need to conduct surveys, analyze website analytics, and engage with your audience through social media.

4) Failing to Diversify Revenue Streams

Relying on a single source of income puts your livelihood at risk. Your financial security lies in your number of active revenue streams.

The more streams, the more income.

The Fix: Make cash with your photos + B-Roll. Join affiliate partnerships and make money in your sleep. Create a digital product. Start a newsletter or blog.

5) Overlooking Content Promotion

Creating exceptional content is only half the battle; promoting it is equally crucial.

Many content creators make the mistake of assuming that great content will automatically gain traction.

However, without active promotion, even the most outstanding work can go unnoticed.

The Fix: Use promotion features on social media, include your content in email newsletters, and collaborate with other creators. This will significantly boost your content visibility and revenue potential.

6) Not Repurposing Content

Many content creators publish a piece of content and move on to the next project without leveraging the full potential of their work.

Repurposing content, such as turning a blog post into a video or tweet, allows creators to reach different audiences and extend the lifespan of their content.

The Fix: After publishing each piece, brainstorm at least three formats it could be adapted into—shorter or longer videos, a blog article or a tweet. Then repurpose on the appropriate platforms.

7) Neglecting Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Content creators often skip this crucial step, leading to subpar content that doesn't rank well on search engines.

The Fix: By using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs, you can identify high-traffic keywords and incorporate them naturally into your content.

This practice ensures your work gets discovered by a broader audience, increasing the chances of generating revenue through ads, affiliate marketing, and product sales.

By avoiding these common mistakes and adopting a strategic approach to content creation, promotion, and monetization, you can maximize your revenue streams and capitalize on your hard work.

🚀 Brand Boost > What In The Heck Is Psychology-Driven Content?

Understanding the psychology behind how the same user behaves differently on each social media platform, is critical.

And yet, most of you don't know what I'm talking about.

So today, I’m here to help!

Our behavior on social media platforms is influenced by a number of psychological factors.

Some of these include self-presentation, social comparison, cognitive biases, reward systems, emotional contagion, algorithmic influence + social identity.

What do these mean exactly?

Self-Presentation is when users curate their online presence to project a specific image or identity to their social media followers.

We see this all the time, right?

Especially on Instagram

Understanding how self-presentation influences behavior can help content creators tailor content that aligns with their audience's desire

Social Comparison is when users engage in social media to compare themselves with others, seeking validation or reassurance.

By recognizing this behavior, content creators can create content that highlights positive social comparisons or offers solutions to common insecurities.

Cognitive Biases is when our human thinking is influenced by cognitive biases, affecting decision-making and information processing.

These biases are a natural part of human cognition and can influence how we perceive, interpret, and remember information. 

Content creators can leverage these biases to create attention-grabbing headlines, persuasive narratives, and engaging storytelling.

Reward Systems is when social media platforms employ reward systems like likes, comments, and shares, which trigger a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for users.

Understanding these systems allows content creators to design content that encourages interaction and boosts engagement.

Emotional Contagion is when emotions spread rapidly through social media, impacting user behavior.

Content creators can use emotional storytelling and relatable content to evoke specific emotions and forge deeper connections with their audience.

Ok so, how does that play out?

On Twitter, users often look for real-time news, education + trending topics.

Example: A user who frequently engages w/ news updates on Twitter, may not engage with the same content on Instagram or TikTok, as the tone, format and audience is different.

On Instagram, users are drawn to visual storytelling through photos + videos.

Example: The same user that follows news on Twitter follows fitness influencers on Instagram. This user is likely to engage w/ aesthetically pleasing content and not the news, on this visual platform.

On TikTok, users are drawn to short-form video content that is entertaining, relatable + humorous.

Example: A user who engages w/ comedy content on TikTok may not engage w/ the same content on LinkedIn or Facebook as these platforms are more conducive to personal and business networking.

On LinkedIn, users are used to engaging with professional, career-related content that aligns with their professional interests or promotes their personal brand.

Example: A user who engages on LinkedIn may not engage with career-related content on Tik Tok or Instagram.

On YouTube, users are drawn to long-form video content that is educational, informative, + entertaining that+ aligns with their interests.

Example: A user who engages with makeup tutorials on YouTube may skip the same content on Twitter.

Now think about how you engage on each platform.

How is it different on each platform?

Why aren't you consistent?

Can you now see how you behave completely different on each platform?

Crazy right? So what does this all mean exactly?

Understanding the psychology behind user behavior on each social media platform is critical for successful marketing, content creation, and engagement.

You can connect with users and build meaningful relationships by tailoring content and messaging to each platform's unique audience and format.

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 🎨 Creator’s Vault > Secret Hack: How Hollywood Agents Access Any Brand For FREE ( + You Can Too!)

Are you tired of struggling to get direct access to brands you want to work with?

What if I told you there's a major hack that can kick your email outreach into hyperdrive?

Well, get ready to revolutionize your outreach game, because in less than 15 seconds, I'll show you how Hollywood agents get direct access to any brand they want, any time they want, and it's all for free.

Step 1: Install ClearBit Chrome Extension

To get started, install the ClearBit Chrome Extension, available at: https://clearbit.com/resources/tools/connect

Step 2: Company Search

Once the extension is installed, open Gmail and find the Connect sidebar. Click on "Find Emails" and simply type in the name of the company you're looking for.

Step 3: Sort by Roles

Now, here comes the real magic. You can filter the search results by role, seniority, and title. This means you can narrow down your search to find the person you need to reach out to.

 Step 4: Select a Person

Click on any person that matches your criteria, and voilà! You'll get access to their verified email address. Yes, you read that right – verified! And the best part? This won't cost you a fortune. You get 100 free credits per month to use this fantastic tool.

Not only do you get their email address, but you'll also find their title, social profile links, and much more. It's like having all the information you need right at your fingertips.

Step 5: Send Email

With the verified email address in hand, click on the blue button that says "Email (CONTACT NAME)." A new window will pop up, allowing you to draft and send your killer pitch! Imagine the impact of reaching out directly to the person you need to talk to – no more endless waiting for responses.

Now you have the secret weapon that Hollywood agents use to connect with any brand they desire.

With this hack, you can cut through the noise and reach decision-makers like a pro!

✨ CEO Mindset > Silencing Your Inner Critic

As a content creator, your creative journey is not always smooth sailing.

There are so many times during the process when your inner critic starts to kick in, filling your mind with doubts and insecurities.

It happens to all of us.

And it happens often.

It’s so hard in the digital world to stay out of your head and focused.

So, today I’m going to help you embrace the power within you and silence that inner critic to unleash your true potential.

Embrace Imperfections as Part of Your Art

Remember, perfection is an illusion.

Every time you see a post about someone succeeding, it seems like their life if perfect.

Let me tell you - it is not.

We are all imperfect and just doing our best.

Every. Single. Day.

Some days are better than others, but no one is killing it without their own struggles.

So…embrace the imperfections in your work as part of your unique artistry. Your authenticity lies in your ability to express your thoughts, ideas, and emotions freely.

Don't let the fear of imperfection hold you back. Embrace it, for it adds character and depth to your creations.

Embrace Failures as Stepping Stones

Failures are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones on your path to success.

Read that again.

Each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve.

Embrace failure as a natural part of the creative process. It means you are pushing boundaries and daring to innovate.

Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Belief

Silence the nagging voice of self-doubt and replace it with unwavering self-belief.

This is the hardest part. Silencing the roommate in your head.

If you haven’t already, read the book The Untethered Soul.

Chapter 2 changed my life forever, and, more importantly, for the better.

Believe in your unique talent and the value you bring to the world.

Every creator faces doubts, but remember, you have the power to choose what you focus on.

Choose belief over doubt, and watch how it transforms your creative expression.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Negativity can stifle creativity.

Surround yourself with positivity and like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire you is critical.

Seek constructive feedback from those who genuinely support your growth.

Engage in communities that celebrate creativity, and you'll find the encouragement to shine.

Celebrate Your Wins, No Matter How Small

Don't overlook your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Celebrate every win as a testament to your progress and dedication.

Recognize the effort you put into your work and let it fuel your passion to reach even greater heights.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself.

The creative journey can be challenging, but remember that you are doing your best.

Treat yourself with compassion and understand that growth takes time.

Embrace the bumps along the way, and use them to become an even better version of yourself.

Embrace Vulnerability

Your vulnerability is a powerful tool to forge deep connections with your audience.

Share your struggles and triumphs openly, for it makes your content relatable and authentic.

Your willingness to be vulnerable will inspire others and create a loyal community around your work.

Trust the Process

Lastly, trust the creative process.

Embrace the unknown and allow your creativity to flow naturally. Some days will be tougher than others, but stay committed to your vision.

Trust that your creativity will lead you to amazing places and opportunities.

You are a force of creativity, and the world is waiting to be inspired by what you have to offer!

⚡️ That’s all for this week!

⚡️ Ready to take your creative business to the next MF level?

Here are 2 ways I can help:

1) Get unstuck and say goodbye to overwhelm, and hellooooo to clarity.

Book a 90-minute intensive where we work 1:1 to deep dive into your business, remove the roadblocks holding you back, and give you an actionable 60-day strategy to take massive steps forward. 

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2) Refer this newsletter to 5 friends. As soon as the 5th friend signs, you can ask me anything about your business, and I will send you a personalized video to answer your question or solve any challenge.